2X flessenwater
(via GOOD)
The Zydepunks (New Orleans Cajun Irish Breton Klezmer Slavic Zydeco)
Iron and Wine - Boy With A Coin
(...) for way too long Buddhism has been the exclusive province of a) whiny intellectuals who try and make it as complicated as possible so no one but their friends can possibly discuss it and b) spaced out new age waste cases who haven’t got a single clue what Buddha was on about, but they like that little Om symbol. I’m glad to see it reclaimed by normal people. And by “normal people” I mean, of course, booze soaked heavy metal musicians in leather and studs.
Not very T-shirt-worthy, ain't it?"Work on your strongest reactions first."
"Don't rely on sense of duty."
"Don't be competitive."
The trick is to see that none of the ways you characterize yourself are ultimately any better than any other.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.Robert A. Heinlein 1907-1988
Basic research is what I am doing
when I don't know what I am doing.Wernher von Braun, 1912-1977
Look directly into your mind!
When looking it is not seen,
an abscence of material substance.
Rest loosely within this absence.
Rest free and easy without fixation.
When a thought begins to occur
Recognize it directly
and then rest loosely within that.
It is naturally liberated without a doubt.
Look directly at outer objects!
They are the magical illusion of your own perception.
Without fixating, rest in wathever appears.
In between, let awareness remain freely.
Your thinking is inconcrete like a moving mist.
Do not fixate, let the thinking move on.
Be free from accepting and rejecting
by recognizing your natural face-
That is called
'thought arising as arising as meditation'.
start collecting continuous sounds: the rain.click to read Continuous sounds [II]
there’s rain like the sounds of the rain
____on roofing
like the sound the rain on this thatch
or the sounds of the rain on tiles and on metal
and the sound of the rain running
off eaves and pouring through drainpipes
___(or when rain falls on lawns
___or on cold earth
___or in puddles and ponds and
___in ditches)
all the different sounds of the rain
and the sound of the rain on different days
like the sounds of the drizzles and downpours
___when tar
___slow drops
___will linger
and the memory of rain on different days
___this said,
rain is to oceans and great bodies of water
as ashes are to flesh